Thursday, January 9, 2014

My 37th birthday!

"Another year over... a new one just began" as the song goes by.

It's my 37th birthday... im glad & happy God had given me this great opportunity to live this much. I pray Thee & wish Him to continue giving me the priviledge to live more, dream more, aspire more, perform more, act more, work more, provide more, share more, love more and many more.

In my 37th years of existence, i realized more the value of life, value of leading a family, value of creating a small community, value of work, value of real & reel friends, value of things i possesses both material & non-monetary possesions. These makes me become more mature individual, learning thru variety of experiences & all behind these things and most of all discerning all wisdoms behind thoughts & serendipity.

While it's quite embarrassing to mention that it took me 37years to make all these realization in my life, it also stop me from wandering & playing the kid in me from time being... i am thankful for having these lessons thought me became who i am now. I thank Thee for guiding me thru my day to day obstacle in life & for having such a very supportive family including my extended ones up until to my last consanguinity.

As the new year has just started (coinciding with my birth month), I have promised 5 achievable things to myself to overcome w/c I have already put in my mind & my heart - 5 things that will define my next 37 & more years to come.

And so as I continue to do my dreams, my responsibilities & my obligations, let me thank our dear Almigthy Father for such a priviledge of happily living all these years... for my wife, my immediate family and extended ones, friends and colleagues, i love you all.

Happy 37th birthday to me & to our dear Black Nazarene; continue to join & help me fulfill all these aspirations!

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